This Political Party is different from the rest of the world, because it calls for us to have an Utopian Society. The shape of this Society is a wagon wheel unlike the old system of a triangle which only works for very few and is very stagnant and has not worked for everyone. This is a political system and country that teaches people to do God's will and esteems peace and harmony. The flag is red for love and white for purity and in the center is a heart inside a heart (meaning our heart inside the Sacred Heart of Jesus) over red Infinite Love Waves. This is a bartering Society giving to and helping all with Love for all people in the Utopian Country. We strive for restitution, reparation of the former slaves in the world, Love, brotherhood, sisterhood, and kindness; not greed as most capitalist (might makes right).
This is an international Political Party seeking Utopians by not making the same mistakes of our forefathers taking over land that is not theirs. Our goal is to strive to love each other and not idol practices or Devil worship allowing evil practices in the world. There is no police or crime. We read the Roman Catholic Bible to follow God's rules. We believe in returning the land and items to God's children. We embrace all people to love God more than anyone and and anything and to love our neighbor. We are against war, death penalty, abortion, murder. We believe in Peace and Harmony.
Thank You for your interest and understanding. God Bless You.
Infinite Love!
10 list of FAQ
1. Does Manifesto mean that it is a Communist Party? No this is a Christian Party and we believe in God as the Center of our life.
2. What are the Government Offices on the spokes of the Wagon Wheel? From the center of the Wagon Wheel which is GOD, the spokes have several Governmental Dept's: Marriage, Anger Mgmt. Disaster, Construction, Free Housing, Jobs, Energy, World Bank, Arts, Goals, Retirement, Sports,Growing Pains, Natural Remedies, Organic Farming, Economic Managers, Bartering, Homelessness, Transportation, Research, Education, Families, Libraries, International Translation, Help Hot lines, Death, Nationl Health, Free Clothing, Restitution, Climate, Religion, Environment.
3. What reason would I choose the Utopian Christian life syle? To be prepared for the coming of our Lord and the Infinite Love, when God calls us by death or Revelation.
4. Is there freedom in religious belief? The freedom is in the truth which is not the works of the devil calling confusion. We practice the freedom of the truth, the Roman Catholic belief.
5. Is the Pope the center of the Wagon Wheel where GOD is as the leader of Utopia? No, the Pope is the leader of the Roman Catholic Chruch and not the Political Party He is a part of the Spokes under Religion.
6. If an army invades Utopia and takes control of our resoures what do we do? We give the other cheek as Christ our Lord did hiding out when the army found Him and the Apostles. The Natives around world were invaded by the U.S.A., Great Britain, Europe, etc... They are Imperlist and neocolonialism, etc...
7. Can anyone become a part of the Government Offices? Yes, if they meet the requirements of the Party .
8. Can I be married to my same sex in Utopia? No, we go by GOD's law and it is not permitted to practice same sex marriage.
9. Can I divorce my husband or wife in Utopia? No, unless aproved by Canon Law.
10. If I am rich and I am independently wealthy will I loss my power of money? No, you can have your money in the World Bank, which is there to help you and the less fortunate.
11. What does Infinite Love mean? The Almighty God is infinite and only is He perfect Love Infinitely.
For Info:
Crystal Adams